Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel is a Japanese anime film trilogy produced by Ufotable, directed by Tomonori Sudō, written by Akira Hiyama, and featuring music by Yuki Kajiura. The trilogy adapts Heaven's Feel, the third and final route of the Fate/stay night visual novel. It focuses on Shirou Emiya and Sakura Matou who are affected by a conflict between mages known as the Holy Grail War.
The Anime Supply's Fate/stay Night: Heaven's Feel necklaces feature Rin and Saber Alter. These charm pendants are very detailed and black or red plated to give them the high quality look and feel you'd expect out of a collectible piece. Be sure to buy it for yourself or for a friend.
Brand: The Anime Supply / Type Moon
Theme: Fate/stay Night: Heaven's Feel Rin & Saber Alter Excalibur Morgan Necklaces
Material: Metal
Version Type: First Edition
Condition: In-Stock Items
Certification: CE
Original Package: YES
Gender: Unisex
By Animation Source: Japan