Koujaku is Aoba Seragaki’s childhood friend, the leader of a Rib group named Benishigure, and works as a hairdresser. This Koujaku sword is made of Carbon Steel, and it is perfect for cosplay. It will last a long time. This sword will help you finish your Koujaku cosplay with ease.
Product Details
Brand Name: The Anime Supply
Theme: Dramatical Murder/DMMD
Character: Koujaku
Regional Feature: Japan
Occasion: Decorative/Martial Art/Cosplay
Blade Material: Carbon Steel
Sheath Material: PU Leather
Length: 86cm
Color: Purple
Stock: In Stock
Q1. What is the material of the sword?
A1. It's made of carbon steel. Unlike an ordinary katana made of wood, plastic, or PU, this product boasts high-quality material and was created by a skilled craftsman. That's why it's relatively expensive.