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Shipping FAQ's

How long does shipping take?

Shipping usually takes 2-5 business weeks due to our recent high volume of orders. We may face shipping delays as a result of disruptions in the supply chain. Some pre-order items may require a longer time. Here at The Anime Supply, we care about every single product made and order placed. We are working on expanding our company and reducing shipping times to keep our customers happy!


How do I track the status of my order?

You can track your order by going to the menu bar and selecting 'track my order'. From there you will be prompted to provide an email address and order number. Sometimes our tracking system does not work properly. In that case, simply email us at info@theanimesupply.com.


Do you ship worldwide?

Yes! We proudly offer free shipping worldwide! However, shipping worldwide does take longer due to customs and longer distance travelled. Times vary for shipping depending on the country!


I received one of my products, but not all of them.

Your product may have been shipped in a different shipping batch or from different warehouses. This happens a lot if your order consisted of one of the more popular products. Don't worry, everything that you have ordered will be sent to you.